Monday, August 2, 2010

College Grads ... Is this you?

Recently, a 2008 college grad contacted me. After she graduated she secured a job, but it was for a position that was not related to her major (which was communications/public relations). While she was glad to have found a job during the sluggish economy, none of her current work experience relates to communications/PR, and she was concerned that since it had been two years since she graduated, she would not be very marketable.

My response to her was that there are steps she could take to gain more current experience. These were some strategies I suggested:
  1. First, in your current job, are there any types of PR/communications duties you could initiate that would not only benefit your company, but enhance your skills? Examples: write a newsletter for your department's customers/clients, create signs/flyers, or develop a satisfaction survey and use some of the comments on your department's website. Think of other website content you could develop. Perhaps your department receives a lot of "frequently asked questions." Create a section on the website that addresses these questions.
  2. Leverage social media and start blogging. You can create your own blog to write about industry-related topics. Then start a Twitter account and link tweets to your blog.
  3. Join a community organization and volunteer to help out with PR/communication-type jobs such as writing articles for the newsletter, helping with the website, designing flyers, or planning events.
  4. Volunteer for a nonprofit agency and specifically ask if you can help out with their PR/communication projects.
It's important to remember that taking on volunteer duties with an organization or with a nonprofit agency can open doors and lead to new opportunities. Not only will your resume be enhanced, but other people will see first-hand your skills and talents.

If you gain additional PR/communications experiences through volunteering, create a new section called "Communications/Public Relations Experience" or "Related Experience." Then list these experiences as you would a paid position. Include organization/agency name, title (e.g. Volunteer PR Assistant), and a list of accomplishments.

Don't feel trapped ... go out and find the experience!

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