Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hiring Managers Reveal Some of the Best Questions Asked By Candidates During an Interview

Interviewing is a two-way process. Remember, as a job seeker, you're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you. You want to do everything you can to be sure the job will be a good fit for you, so it's important to bring some good questions with you to the interview. 

Unfortunately, however, not every job candidate asks questions during the interview. In surveys I conducted in both 2013 and 2014, when I asked hiring managers the question, "What is one of your biggest interview pet peeves?" the response of "Not asking any questions" ranked 5th both years.

During interview coaching sessions with clients, I always provide them with examples of questions they can ask. For example, if they are concerned about a position with high turnover, they may want to ask a question such as, "How many people have held this position in the last 3 years?" However, I've often wondered if there are any questions which employers really like. Ones that perhaps could set one candidate apart from others. Sparked by my curiosity, in the 2014 survey, I asked the question, "What is one of the best questions a job candidate has asked during an interview?" I received many many responses, but the top five most frequently mentioned questions were as follows:
  1. Why do you (or why do people) like working here?
  2. What is the culture of the company?
  3. What advancement opportunities are there for me in this company?
  4. How can I be successful in my role / what are the top three priorities over the next 6 months?
  5. What is a typical day like?
Here are some other questions hiring managers mentioned:

What are the rewards and challenges of this position?
What is one thing you know now, that you wish you would have known when you started?
What has been your best day at your job?
What is your organization's competitive advantage?

Some final responses and comments:

Shall I give my two week notice when I get back to work? One respondent revealed, "I like that they were confident in their interview and tried to close the deal."

Vikings or Packers? A hiring manager stated, "It really threw me for a loop and eased seriousness in the room."

One respondent liked when candidates asked her questions that kept her on her toes, "Any question that shows they have done some research on the company and actually put me on the spot to see if I know the answer to my own company! Love that!"

Do you have any favorite questions you like to ask in an interview? I'd love to hear them!

About the author: As a certified interview coach, Connie Hauer coaches clients on interview preparation, provides strategies on how to stand out from the competition, and through a mock interview, helps clients polish their interviewing skills so they feel more confident. Learn more:

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