Wednesday, April 10, 2013

5 Things Employers Expect During Your Interview

Based upon a survey I conducted in February 2013 (of hiring managers in the Central Minnesota area), here are the top 5 things employers expect of candidates during an interview.
  1. Dress appropriately -- Believe it or not, some responses mentioned individuals showing up in jeans, t-shirts, and even sweat pants for a professional position!
  2. Research the job/company -- One respondent stated, "A candidate who is not prepared ... don't waste my time!"
  3. Be on time -- Most hiring managers mentioned being late as a pet peeve, but there were a few responses that disliked candidates arriving too early (and even bringing children with them).
  4. Give clear and concise answers  -- "Not directly answering the questions that are asked" and "When I'm left to try and drag the info I want from them" were a few of the comments relating to vagueness. As far as being concise, one individual stated, "The interviewee should find a balance of how much information to share. A candidate who goes on and on is a turn off."
  5. Be sure to ask some questions -- Those who mentioned that candidates should always ask questions, did not leave any further comments. That being said, when I conduct interview coaching sessions with clients, I always tell them, "You're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you. You want to make sure the job will be a good fit; otherwise, you may find yourself looking for a new job again in a few months.
Preparation is key to acing your interview!  

About the author: As a certified interview coach, Connie Hauer coaches clients on interview preparation, provides strategies on how to stand out from the competition, and helps clients polish their interviewing skills so they feel more confident. (Learn More)

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